Musical Mastery Colt Metzger performs a solo on his alto saxophone during this year’s Encore Concert at West Lyon. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Making Music Together Eric Boote and Cooper Carolan sing together in the high school mixed choir at the Encore Concert Monday,...
Getting Some Direction Arie Rens (left) receives some guidance from director Joshua Nobles (right) during their musical rehearsal for “Hang Ten.” The production takes the stage on Thursday, April 3. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Junior high students rehearsing for musical...
Spring into springtime
Growth and Decay Pictured here is the hill directly across from the Lyon County Nature Center, which has been recently burned by conservation members. Naturalist Dayton Buntjer explained during the monthly Coffee with Conservation program that they do it to help...
Touring the new facility
TOURING THE NEW FACILITY On Tuesday, March 18, U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra, representing Iowa’s 4th Congressional District, toured the new facility at Diversified Technologies Inc. in George. Pictured left to right are Chuck Sjogren, DTI president, and Feenstra....
Country Kids 4-H Club Meeting
Brenda Knobloch from Knobloch’s Greenhouse teaches members of the Country Kids 4-H club about gardening at their meeting Thursday, March 20. (Photo/Submitted) The Country Kids 4-H Club met Thursday, March 20 at the Inwood Community Center. There were 27 members and...
Summit-impacted landowners meet with Iowa congressional leaders in D.C.
During the week of March 10-15, 10 Iowans joined more than 50 landowners and advocates from eight states traveled to Washington, D.C., to urge their members of Congress to cut the wasteful 45Q U.S. federal tax credit program that underpins the Carbon Capture and...
West Lyon FFA district competitions
Emma Evans | Chapter Reporter The last few weeks, the West Lyon FFA Chapter has been busy with competition season. Students have competed at two events: FFA Sub-Districts and District Convention. Listed below are the results from both competitions. Thank you to the...
Peek into the Past First place winners in the Doubles Tournament at the Inwood Bowling Alley, Ken Van’t Hul and Craig Faber, 1983.
Annie Grace Metzger
By Zoe Kellenberger Annie Grace Metzger was welcomed into this world November 17, 2006 to her loving parents Justin and Jodie Metzger, who are her role-models. Annie stated that everything her parents do in life is for the better of others. They have taught her how to...
Jackson Donald Ver Meer
By Malison Rentschler Jackson Donald Ver Meer, more commonly known as Lup, was welcomed into this world on March 22, 2007 by his parents Wes and Alicia. Also there to meet their baby brother was Jackson’s older brothers, Jordan (22) and Jayden (19). Jackson’s...
Hannah Marie TerWee
By Opal Niemeyer Hannah Marie TerWee, also known as Han, was born on November 12, 2006 to her parents Chad and Sandi TerWee. Hannah was also welcomed by her brother Chase (22) and her sister Emily (20). Two years later Kaitlyn (16) completed their family of 6. Hannah...
Philip James Pottebaum
By Kayla Jenson Philip James Pottebaum also known as Phil Up or Phil entered the world on March 5th, 2007 to his mother Alison Pottebaum. He joined his older brother Anthony and they all later welcomed Jayla, the last member of their family.During Phil’s time at West...
Students of the Month for February
By Sophia Niemeyer For the month of February, there were five students that supported the Wildcat community in an outstanding way. Rakel Herman earned herself the Academic Student of the Month; Madalyn Van Roekel acquired the Fine Arts Student of the Month; Tobias...
West Lyon Pops and Encore Concert
By Kyndra Gramstad On March 17th, West Lyon’s high school and junior choir and bands hosted their annual concert to display in front of their community. The concert featured JH Choir, Women’s Choir, Mixed Choir, JH Jazz Choir, Wildcat Jazz Choir, JH Jazz Band, WL Jazz...
West Lyon Jazz Choir Earns Second Place at the USD Jazz Festival
By Opal Niemeyer On Tuesday, March 18, the West Lyon Jazz choir traveled to the University of South Dakota to perform at the yearly jazz fest and received second place.The group of 18 students faced some familiar competition, like Sheldon and Cheorkee, and some new,...
Homegrown Iowa biofuels support American energy dominance
Randy Feenstra Domestic energy production is a critical component of both our short- and long-term economic growth, bolsters our national security, and strengthens our international competitiveness. From getting to work and heating and cooling homes to keeping the...
Gracious Professionalism
Focus on the Board Wildbots members Rex Rentschler, Rayna Knoblock, Lena Nesseth and Kohen Koedam watch on in anticipation as their robot attempts to complete its programmed tasks. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Wildbots West Lyon’s First Lego League team, the Wildbots,...
New firehouse coming to Inwood
Tristan Taylor | Editor The Inwood Fire and Rescue Department is currently in the process of constructing a new fire station to better fit personnel and equipment. “Originally it started out to add on to our current fire station. And then eventually the guys just...
Loving to Learn
Speaking Up First-grade student, Shayla Singsaath, was one of the speakers during West Lyon’s elementary program this past Thursday evening. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Class Choir Students of West Lyon’s third-grade class are pictured singing at their annual elementary...
A decade of delight
PRESENTER AT INWOOD MUSEUM John Madland gave a presentation about his father’s military service at last year’s ice cream social at the Inwood Museum. This year the museum will be hosting its 10th annual event Saturday, March 29, at 7 p.m. to raise money to cover...