Musical Mastery Colt Metzger performs a solo on his alto saxophone during this year’s Encore Concert at West Lyon. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Making Music Together Eric Boote and Cooper Carolan sing together in the high school mixed choir at the Encore Concert Monday,...
Getting Some Direction Arie Rens (left) receives some guidance from director Joshua Nobles (right) during their musical rehearsal for “Hang Ten.” The production takes the stage on Thursday, April 3. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Junior high students rehearsing for musical...
Spring into springtime
Growth and Decay Pictured here is the hill directly across from the Lyon County Nature Center, which has been recently burned by conservation members. Naturalist Dayton Buntjer explained during the monthly Coffee with Conservation program that they do it to help...
A ‘Seuss’ take on an ancient classic
Narrator 1 and Narrator 2 Erica Meendering and Justina Bruggeman donned blue wigs as they played Narrators 1 and 2 in this year’s production of “The SeussOdyssey.” (Photo/Tristan Taylor) West Lyon to present spring play Tristan Taylor | Editor What happens when you...
Gracious Professionalism
Focus on the Board Wildbots members Rex Rentschler, Rayna Knoblock, Lena Nesseth and Kohen Koedam watch on in anticipation as their robot attempts to complete its programmed tasks. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Wildbots West Lyon’s First Lego League team, the Wildbots,...
New firehouse coming to Inwood
Tristan Taylor | Editor The Inwood Fire and Rescue Department is currently in the process of constructing a new fire station to better fit personnel and equipment. “Originally it started out to add on to our current fire station. And then eventually the guys just...
Loving to Learn
Speaking Up First-grade student, Shayla Singsaath, was one of the speakers during West Lyon’s elementary program this past Thursday evening. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Class Choir Students of West Lyon’s third-grade class are pictured singing at their annual elementary...
State Tournament Bound
WL Dominates Substate Final, Will be second seed in Des Moines West Lyon boys’ basketball poses for a team photo Saturday, March 1, after qualifying for the Class 2A state tournament in Des Moines. After multiple years of losing their substate final, the Wildcats...
Learning new skills
Stoking the Flames Nahla Romero, Allanah Bruggeman and Chyles Meendering huddle around their fire and they try to keep it going with the help of Kyle Ciesielski (left). (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Conservation hosts winter survival day Tristan Taylor | Editor Fifth-grade...
Meeting the community
A Welcome Introduction Dayton Buntjer, recently hired-naturalist with Lyon County Conservation, led the monthly Coffee with Conservation program to introduce herself to the community and share her plans for the coming months. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) First Coffee with...
Sweet time to read
READ ‘N’ FEED Scott Davelaar reads his book in the gym during a session called read ‘n’ feed at Inwood Christian School during February’s elementary reading month. For this time, the students brought a snack to eat and drink as well as pillows and blankets for...
Presenting a ‘Practically Perfect’ musical
JUST A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR During a rehearsal for River Valley Players’ “Mary Poppins,” Amy Lyon as Mary Poppins, Maggie McCarthy as Jane Banks and Nikolas Hamlin as Michael Banks practice one of their scenes. This show will be presented at the Forster Auditorium at...
Communicating to keep people safe
Brian Hilt—Lyon County Sheriff New county-wide emergency alert system goes live Dominique Kooiker | Editor Communication is a key goal of the new Lyon County Sheriff, Brian Hilt, and his team at the sheriff’s department. This month, a new emergency alert system is...
Snowflakes in the air
Cold Work | City crews from Larchwood are pictured cleaning up snow from the streets and sidewalks of their cities. They had plenty of snow to keep them busy throughout the first half of the week. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Season’s first sizeable snowfall in Lyon County...
Evening in the spotlight
You’re Gonna Like It Here The Musical Theatre group performed a medley of songs from “Annie” during the Speech Showcase. Front Row: Erica Meendering, Sophia Niemeyer, Cooper Carolan and Marlene Duenas. Back Row: Ava Van Dyke and Chloe Klarenbeek. (Photo/Tristan...
Community discusses new recreational center in Larchwood
New Location The proposed area for where the new recreational center in Larchwood would sit, as voted on by the city council. It would be built within the southeast quadrant of the park, adding in 78 new parking spots as well. Tristan Taylor | Editor On Monday, Feb....
Learning With Chocolate
Creativity Comes to Life Emma Wordekemper and Callie McKenney, students in the pre-4-H program Clover Kids, proudly display the chocolate machines they designed for this month’s session. They and their fellow Clover Kids created machines to move a piece of chocolate 3...
Warming hearts and ‘soles’
EVERY SOLE DESERVES A SOCK Megan Klapperich, PA-C at Avera, holds some socks that have been donated for the second-annual sock drive organized by Avera’s Community Engagement Committee and the wound care program at Avera Merrill Pioneer Community Hospital of Rock...
A stack of smiles
Lester Friendly 4-Hers serve up pancakes and tradition Amy Lyon | Staff Writer The Lester Community Center was a hub of activity Friday, Feb. 7, during the Lester Friendly 4-Hers annual pancake supper. The sweet smell of pancakes greeted families galore along with...
A Natural Fit
New Face at Pahoja Dayton Buntjer of Little Rock was recently hired as naturalist with Lyon County Conservation. She officially starts her new job Feb. 10, and plans to host a Coffee with Conservation program Feb. 18. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor A...