By Sophia Niemeyer Addison Mae Brower, also known as Addi, was born on October 27, 2006 to her parents, Janelle and Jermey Brower. She was followed by her two younger brothers, Chase (15) and Tyler (13).Addison has stayed very involved throughout the band program at...
The Arts Department
Graditude Series By Opal Niemeyer For the month of November the Mass media class has written short essays of things they are grateful for at West Lyon. For my essay I chose the wonderful arts department at West Lyon. The arts department has truly helped me a lot...
Football Cheer
Graditude Series By Zoe Kellenberger There are many things to be grateful for in life, especially if you are a busy high schooler like me. Through all of the many different activities I have been involved in throughout high school, my favorite by far would be football...
JH Lady Wildcat Wrestlers travel to Sioux Center
By Olivia Feucht West Lyon journeyed to Sioux Center on Thursday, November 14, for a junior high wrestling meet. The Lady Wildcat wrestlers performed well.Evan Heyden, Rebekah Harmon, and Raenen Dorhout all placed first. Heyden won by fall over Shaylynn Ladenthin of...
West Lyon Hosts Junior High Girls Wrestling Scramble
By Kyndra Gramstad West Lyon hosted a junior high scramble on Monday, November 18. The Lady Wildcat wrestlers performed well at this beginning-of-the-week contest.The Cats had three first-place finishers. Mylie Husyer won by fall over Sergeant Bluff-Luton’s Jj Otaichy...
Red Cross offers steps to help you avoid a cooking fire on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a peak day for home cooking fires in the U.S.Thanksgiving and the day before are the top two days in this country for the chance of a cooking fire to happen in someone’s home. Cooking causes an average of 158,400 home fires per year, which is 44% of...
Making it real for the students
A Crowd of Thank You’s The elementary students of West Lyon singing “Veterans March” during their Veterans Day Program. The students previously designed signs in appreciation of veterans, which they vigorously waved during their song. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) 10 Years...
Man’s best hunting friends
PARTNERS IN THE HUNT Eric Harrold shows off his red-tailed hawk named Whiskey with his German Shorthaired Pointer dog named Daisey at his side. Harrold has been a falconer 35 years and presented on his experience with falconry at the Lake Pahoja Nature Center...
Soup and pie, oh my!
COMMUNITY AND PARENTAL SUPPORT Lori and Jerry Rens were in charge of the bidding numbers handed out to people at the FFA soup supper and auction Thursday night. Funds earned from the auction will go toward future agritourism trips taken by FFA students. (Photo/Tristan...
Music at the Inwood Museum
Tristan Taylor | Editor Christmas music will soon be filling the Inwood Museum once again. This will be the fifth annual Christmas performances and sing-along hosted at the former Methodist church on Oak Street. Starting the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 30,...
Board of supervisors canvasses election results, takes engineering report
Isaac Yeager | Staff Writer The Lyon County Board of Supervisors met Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 8:30 a.m. to canvass the county’s election results, pass an amendment, set a public hearing for a budget amendment and take reports from the county engineer, Daryl...
Inwood Kiwanis Meet
Tristan Taylor | Editor The Inwood Kiwanis Club met Wednesday, Nov. 13, at noon in the Inwood Community Center meeting room. Following lunch and fellowship, the meeting was called to order the president, Randy Gacke.This year’s Santa Day Dec. 7 was discussed. It was...
Inwood City Council
Isaac Yeager | Staff Writer The Inwood City Council met Monday, Nov. 11, at 6 p.m. to discuss bids for paving the North Side Addition, a proposal to alter the city’s retention ponds, updates to the ongoing insurance battle over the community center, updated building...
New snowmobile law streamlines permit requirements for residents
Iowa snowmobilers are no longer required to purchase and display an annual trail user permit, according to a new law that went into effect July 1, 2024. The law folded the trail user permit into the annual snowmobile registration fee, which will now be $30 plus...
Zoe Min Kellenberger
By Malison Rentschler Zoe Min Kellenberger, also known as Zo, was welcomed into the Kellenberger family on October 11, 2011 to her parents Michele (56) and Ladell (63) Kellenberger, older sisters Ashley (married to Jon) and Mia, and older brothers Tate (fiancé Maddie)...
Opal Henrietta Niemeyer
By Sophia Niemeyer Opal Henrietta Niemeyer, also known as Opa, was born on January 12 to her parents Grant and Jane Niemeyer. Opal didn’t hold the spotlight for long as she was quickly followed 6 minutes later by her twin sister, Sophia. They weren’t the only two for...
Close Knit Community
Gratitude Series By Olivia Feucht Something I am thankful for is the tight community our school and surrounding towns have.Being a senior and looking back at my years attending West Lyon, it has shown me just how lucky I’ve been to be a part of the community. With...
Gratitude Series By Malison Rentschler For this month of November, Mass Media students will take turns writing a short essay of what they are grateful for at West Lyon. One thing I am thankful for at West Lyon is the leadership organization of Family Career and...
Gratitude Series By Sophia Niemeyer Something that I am grateful for is the FFA organization that we have here at West Lyon.FFA has given me so many cool and amazing travel opportunities that I am so grateful for. I had never thought that I would be traveling outside...
50 years of fun
THE LAND BEFORE THE LAKE Pictured is the original land of what would later become Lake Pahoja. Through the mid-1960s, the Lyon County Conservation Board bought 232 acres of land from six different landowners at a cost of $60,181.53. This land was for the Pioneer...