
Letter to the Editor

To the citizens of Lyon County,I am voicing my feelings about Stewart Vander Stoep, our awesome sheriff. Stewart is a wonderful family man, a man of truth and honesty, a man that truly is concerned about the citizens of Lyon County and beyond. When my grand-son passed...

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Letter to the Editor

To the Citizens of Lyon County,I am writing a letter to you to explain why I endorse Brian Hilt for Sheriff.First, a little background information on me for those that do not know who I am. I have worked as a police officer with the Rock Valley Police Department for...

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Letter to the Editor

Citizens of Lyon County,I am writing this letter fully endorsing Brian Hilt for Sheriff.Before anything, a little background about myself. I am a lifelong resident of Lyon County and have worked for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Sheriff for the past 3...

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Letter to the Editor

To the citizens of Lyon County,I am writing this letter to show my support for Sher-iff Vander Stoep. Many people in the County know me as I have been a Deputy with Lyon County for approximately 27 years. For those of you that do not know me, my wife and I live in...

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Letter to the Editor

To the Citizens of Lyon County:My name is Rob Ver Meer. I’ve worked at the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office the last 22 years and have served as the Chief Deputy the last six years. I am writing to express my full support for our current Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep.I...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Lyon County Citizens,I have been a deputy for the Lyon County Sheriff’s department for 9 years. I have worked other roles throughout my career and my experience in law enforcement spans over 20 years. My wife and I have made our home in Rock Rapids and have 3...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear voters of Lyon County,I am writing this letter to extend my support and full en-dorsement for Brian Hilt as the next Sheriff of Lyon County. My name is Nathan Rozeboom. I currently live in Larch-wood with my wife and two kids. I have lived in Larchwood for the...

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Letter to the Editor

To the citizens of Lyon County, Iowa:My name is Dayna Korthals and I was a Lyon County resident for most of my life up until 2023. I graduated from Central Lyon in 2016 and worked for the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office from 2019 to 2022 as a dispatcher. During my time...

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Letter to the Editor

My name is Wayne Grooters. I’m writing to encourage Lyon County citizens to re-elect Stewart Vander Stoep as Sheriff. I’ve known Stewart since he started working in law enforcement in Lyon County nearly 40 years ago. Dur-ing that time, Stewart has always prioritized...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Lyon County CitizensI am writing this letter of support for Brian Hilt for Lyon County sher-iff because I believe he is the best candidate to lead the Lyon County sheriff department.I would like everyone to consider and ask yourself why over 75% of the current...

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Letter to the Editor

To Whom it May Concern,My name is Tom Kunstle, J.D., a practicing attorney, and I have been honored by serving as the County Attorney for Sioux County, Iowa for the past 10 years. My responsibilities include prosecuting all state crimes, serving as legal counsel for...

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Letter to the Editor

I am writing to express my opinion relative to the up-coming election of the Lyon County Sheriff. As the retired Plymouth County Sheriff of 30 years and current Plymouth County Supervisor, I have been fortunate to work with and have known Sheriff Wander Stoep for many...

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Letter to the Editor

My name is Sheila Nagel. I would like to say a few things about Stewart Vander Stoep and the department. I have known Stewart for many years, and as long as I’ve known him, he has always been against illegal activity like drugs, prostitution or any other illegal...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Lyon County voters,It is election time which means an overload of new visions, sweeping changes, and mostly empty prom-ises.With regard to the Lyon County Sheriff’s race, I have just two ques-tions: do you feel safe, and are you happy with the fiscal...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,My name is John Grotluschen. I live in George, Iowa. I am a 27-year Law Enforcement veteran.I am writing to express my strong support to Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep, whose leadership and commitment to our county have been exemplary. Sheriff Vander Stoep...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Lyon County citizens—My name is Sandy Wissink, and I have worked at the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office over 22 years, all of those years as a dispatcher. With the upcoming election, I thought I would write a letter in support of our current sheriff, Stewart Vander...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear voters of Lyon County,My name is Alex Waagmeester. I am a 2015 graduate of Central Lyon and have lived in Rock Rapids for almost my entire life. I currently serve as a deputy sheriff with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office and have done so for the past (almost) 6...

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Letter to the Editor

To my fellow Lyon County voters,If you’ve made it this far in reading through the week’s let-ters to the editor concerning the coming election for Lyon County Sheriff, thank you. Your interest in local politics and commitment to making informed decisions are key...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Citizens of Lyon County, I wanted to share with the Lyon County citizens how impressed I have been with your Sheriff, Stew-art Vander Stoep. Northwest Iowa sheriffs have met quarterly for the last five years. This is a great oppor-tunity to share with fellow...

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Bringing in the harvest

Harvest Time in Lyon County Hay bales dot this field north of Inwood waiting to be picked up. Those driving down the highway will see a majority of fields next to the blacktop already harvested. According to the USDA crop progress report, the corn harvest is 45%...

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