
Follow the yellow brick road

The Great and Powerful Oz | Scarecrow (Cooper Carolan), Tinman (Jackson Doorneweerd) and Dorothy (Kiann Blomgren) check on the Cowardly Lion (Colt Metzger), who has fainted after meeting the Wizard of Oz. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Cast and Crew Bottom row: Kiersten...

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Learning the rules

Laws to live by Tait Anderson, State Conservation Officer, gives a presentation over the state hunting laws during a Hunter Education Field Day. In teaching the laws to the young men and women present, he also talked about the ethics of hunting and keeping a good...

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Lyon County GOP hosts meet-and-greet for candidates

DISCUSSING STATE AND LOCAL POLITICS On Saturday, Oct. 19 the Lyon County Republican Party hosted a “Meet the Candidates” event at the Forster Community Center in Rock Rapids where voters could hear from federal, state and local Republican candidates before the...

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From grief to gratitude

FULFILLING HIS WISHMarlene and Daniel Boon began their application for a Century Farm Award in 2019, 100 years after their ancestors bought the land. Their quest was halted when Daniel passed away that September. A few years later Marlene picked up where they left...

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Learning to be a leader

Greenhands Eighteen West Lyon freshman students participated in the Greenhand Fire Up event in Spencer, IA, learning more about the FFA organization. (Photo/Submitted) Emma Evans | Reporter This past Tuesday 18 freshman took a trip to Spencer, IA for Greenhand Fire...

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Letter to the Editor

This letter is in response to a Letter to the Editor in the paper last week. In the letter the writer stated that the county paid a substantial amount of money from a lawsuit caused by a lack of adequate training by a taser incident. The comment was brief and left...

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Letter to the Editor

My name is Mark Dorhout and I am currently on my twentieth year as a deputy sheriff with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office. I have contemplated on how to write this letter for some time, creating several different drafts. It is difficult for me to address the issues...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear readers in Lyon County,If you care about the position of law enforcement in Lyon County, you will vote for Stewart Vander Stoep for Sheriff. He has done a good job helping those in need. He cares about Lyon County. He doesn’t dictate everything you do. He has a...

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Letter to the Editor

Citizens of Lyon County,I am writing today in support of Sheriff Vander Stoep for Lyon County Sheriff. I have followed the election in Lyon County and would advocate a strong turnout for Stewart in the fall general election. He has been serving the Citizens of Lyon...

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Letter to the Editor

To the Citizens of Lyon County,I am a man who stands on his convictions. I’ve never been swayed by popular opinion or other people’s viewpoints on topics. I am one who has always made his decisions based on prayer and my faith.My leadership style is based on listening...

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Letter to the Editor

To the Lyon County residents,My name is Kyle Lems, and I am proud to have been born and raised in Doon. I currently live east of Doon with my wife, Jessica, and 3 kids. I have owned multiple businesses for the past 14 years (all construction related). I have been on...

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Letter to the Editor

To my fellow Lyon County residents,I am writing to express my strong support for our sheriff, Stewart Vander Stoep, in the upcoming election. His record should speak for itself — the county has remained consistently safe and secure throughout his tenure. This speaks...

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Letter to the Editor

To Whom It May Concern,This is a letter regarding Stewart Vander Stoep, the current serving sheriff of Lyon County, Iowa, for re-election. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this man for over 28 years. I want it known that in those 28 years, I have never once seen this...

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Letter to the Editor

My name is Robert McMillen. I have been a Deputy Sheriff in Ida County for 15 years. I have been teaching DARE for nine years. I met Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep through DARE and the yearly DARE conferences. Stewart has taught DARE for 28 years and takes pride in the...

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Construction Comments

The size of the elementary playground has been reduced because of construction, but staff and students have still been able to enjoy their recess time. By Malison Rentschler The West Lyon Mass Media class is back at it again with our series, Construction Comments, a...

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Celebrating all things fall

The perfect design Jaden McKenney carefully places his stickers on to his pumpkin so they’re just right. He and his family visited the Lyon County Nature Center and took part in the no-mess pumpkin decorating, using stickers instead of carving. Bryan L. Valentine |...

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Competing with the best

The Big Moment The West Lyon Marching Band poses after their big finale at the Festival of Bands in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Alexa Knobloch - Flute Sophia Niemeyer – Drum Major Maya Garcia - Color Guard Mason Knobloch - Sousaphone West Lyon...

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What to watch for this cold and flu season

Amy Lyon | Staff Writer As the weather cools down, cold and flu season slowly sneaks in and rears its unsightly head. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), this season ranges from October to May, so Dr. David Springer from Avera Merrill...

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