
Letters to the Editor

Dear Fellow Lyon County Voters,Republican Candidate for Lyon County Sheriff, Brian Hilt is a true visionary that has already convinced me and many other Lyon County’s Republicans that he is the best choice for leading our County Law Enforcement and Public Safety and...

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letter to the Editor

Integrity, Honor, Compassion, Commitment. These are just some of the traits needed to be an Iowa Sheriff. Lyon County Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep is such a man. His commitment to serve the residents of Lyon County is just as strong as when he got into law...

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Fire Prevention Week

ALVORD FIRE DEPARTMENT Front row (L-R): Sam Metzger, Trevor Van Middendorp, Gib Van Hill, Joanna Van Middendorp, Jesse Rose, Chad Knoblock, Arlo Van Middendorp, Darwyn Klarenbeek. Back row (L-R): Tanner Van Middendorp, Glen Meyer, Jason Pollema, Lance Van Roekel,...

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West Lyon Marching Band hangs with big competition

Colorguard member Maya Garcia performs at the Titan Invitational. By Sophia Niemeyer On Saturday, September 28 the Wildcat marching band headed down to Papillion La-Vista, NE for the first time ever to attend the Titan Marching Invitational. The cats performed during...

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Construction Comments

Trevor Rozeboom’s room for the year has been moved to a former storage closet. By Malison Rentschler West Lyon began the school year with several new faces. A new principal, a new guidance counselor, but, also, several members of a construction crew. While West Lyon...

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Beekeeping with Conservation

Full of Honey Beekeeper Dean Johnson was the guest speaker at this month’s Coffee with Conservation program. He is pictured showing off a frame filled with honey and wax from one of his bee boxes. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Helping Hand Logan Van Wyhe is helped by...

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Improving county-wide emergency communication

County to implement text alert system Dominique Kooiker | Editor Good communication is key, whether it’s in a friendship, a job or with local emergency services. Thanks to a new emergency alert system, people in Lyon County will have the opportunity to be more...

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Prayer by the flagpole

Students of Inwood Christian School, along with family and members of the community, gathered outside this past Wednesday to pray together during the See You at the Pole event. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor It was a crisp morning Wednesday, Sept. 25,...

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Stopping stigma, saving lives

BRINGING AWARENESS TO BIG ISSUES On Wednesday, Sept. 25, Emmy-award-winning journalist. author and host of acclaimed podcast “Grieving Out Loud,” Angela Kennecke of the Sioux-Falls-based non-profit Emily’s Hope gave a presentation at the Forster Community Center in...

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Security Savings Bank hosts fraud and scam seminar

Kelsey McKenney, lead data processing specialist at Security Savings Bank’s Larchwood branch, speaks during a fraud and scam seminar. Security Savings Bank is hosting these free seminars to teach people to avoid the many scams out there today. (Photo/Tristan Taylor)...

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Nature Tots returning for fall fun

Tristan Taylor | Editor Lyon County Conservation’s program for 3- to 5-year-olds, Nature Tots, will be returning this fall for a monthly meeting in October through December. This program will be held at the Lyon County Nature Center Wednesdays Oct. 23, Nov. 27 and...

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West Lyon FFA students compete

(Left to Right) West Lyon FFA members Ryan Bahnson, Evan Erpenbach, Peter Rens and Brody Martin. They competed in the Milk Quality and Products contest and took home a silver ranking. (Photo/Submitted) (Left to Right) Lloyd Mogler, Mitchell Knoblock, Colt Metzger,...

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Celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 6-12

Local 4-H members are gaining life skills to become ‘Beyond Ready’The anticipation is building for this year’s National 4-H Week during which millions of youth, parents, volunteers and alumni across the country will celebrate everything 4-H. Northwest Iowa will...

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Repeat State Fair Champions for Rens Youth of Larchwood

(Left to Right): Peter, Jerry, Arie and Lori Rens. Arie Rens (front) and Peter Rens (back) with their individual steers. For the past six years, Jerry and Lori Rens’ children, Arie, Peter and Henry, of Larchwood have either been grand champion or reserve champion in...

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Marching Wildcats Bring Nightmares in Marshall

The Wildcat March Band heads to their performance at the Pursuit of Excellence Competition in Marshall, MN. By Zoe Kellenberger On Saturday, September 21 the West Lyon Wildcat marching band traveled to Marshall, Minnesota to perform this year’s show, Eyes Wide Open, a...

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Homecoming 2024

Homecoming Court Members of the 2024 West Lyon Homecoming Court. From left to right: Kiann Blomgren, Kyndra Gramstad, Bryson Childress, Carson Hoogeveen, king Tate Hawf, queen Annie Metzger, Gage Blauwet, Carson Meyer, Jordyn Aeschliman and Olivia Feucht....

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West Lyon inducts Matt McCarty into the athletic hall of fame

A THANKFUL WILDCAT TURNED RAIDER Matt McCarty gives a heart-felt thanks at the 2024 West Lyon coronation Tuesday, Sept. 17. He, along with the 1999 West Lyon state championship football team, was inducted into the West Lyon Hall of Fame. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Amy...

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Making your future today

Academic MotivationTim Weidenbach, director with High Power Sports, was the guest speaker at this year’s West Lyon ABC Awards. He encouraged students to be proud of their accomplishments today and think about everything they’d talk about 40 years from now....

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ABC Awards

Academic Achievement Students pictured above were all recognized for their academic success in the previous school year during the ABC Awards Tuesday, Sept. 17. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor On Tuesday, Sept. 17, West Lyon had its yearly ABC Academic...

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Board of Supervisors

Isaac Yeager | Staff Writer The Lyon County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 8:30 a.m. to renew police protection contracts for Little Rock and Lester, discuss working with the Help CUT Flooding Program and talk to Lyon County Engineer Daryl Albertson...

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