STEP IN TIME | The cast of River Valley Players’ “Mary Poppins” poses after singing “Step in Time.” “Mary Poppins” was presented in the Forster Auditorium in Rock Rapids Feb. 28 and March 1 and 2. Gracia Poppinga stepped in for Maggie McCarthy in this picture....
Kiwanis looks to improve club
Tristan Taylor | Editor The Inwood Kiwanis Club met at its regular time Wednesday, Feb. 26, with a meeting starting at 12:30 p.m. After a hymn and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the secretary’s and treasury’s reports were given from previous meetings. As part of...
Country Kids 4-H Club Meeting
Jessa Haahr | Club Reporter The Country Kids 4-H Club met Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Inwood Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Kendra Van Regenmorter. There were 25 members present.After the business meeting, Jayne and Rhonda from Primrose Market in...
One seatbelt click at a time
Safety Statistics As part of her safe driving project with FCCLA, student Chloe Klarenbeek partnered with Freedom Brew in Larchwood to offer discounts to every wearing their seatbelt. She designed these stickers with safe driving facts to go on every cup handed out....
Aerial View
Peek into the Past An aerial view of Inwood taken from the north with Highway 18 in the background. This photo would have been taken sometime between 1969 and 1974, but the exact date was not listed. The photograph features the original Inwood pool, which was built in...
Carson Paul Meyer
By Opal Niemeyer Carson Paul Meyer also known as Smalls, was born on the 8th day of a chilly November in 2006 to his parents Wes and Dawn Meyer. He was also welcomed into the world by his two older brothers Logan and Jaxon. Carson’s role models are his dad and his...
Tayton Roger Knobloch
by Opal Niemeyer Tayton Roger Knobloch was born to his parents Derek and Connie Knobloch on April 19, 2006. His older brother Talin Knobloch also welcomed Tayton home, completing their family of four. Tayton’s role model is his father. Tayton says, “He is always going...
Tyra Brook Roemen
By Malison Rentschler Tyra Brook Roemen was born on May 28, 2006 to her loving parents Jennifer and Ryan, and her older sister, Claire (22). A couple years later, Tyra’s younger sister, Ashley (16) was born, followed by their younger brother, John (14). Tyra would...
Large Group Speech Students Recognized With Highest Honors
By Kyndra Gramstad On Saturday, February 22, eight West Lyon students had the distinct honor of traveling to Ames, IA to perform at the All-State Large Group Speech Festival.All state is the highest honor any speech student can receive. The Large Group season begins...
Winter Concert
By Kayla Jenson This year in the winter concert there were 4 bands that played. The 5th grade band, 6th grade band, the junior high band, and the high school symphonic band. Throughout the night there were a total of 14 songs played from these 4 groups.The 5th grade...
The West Lyon Jazz Choir Take On The Lakes
By Sophia Niemeyer The West Lyon Jazz Choir traveled to Spirit Lake to compete at the Shake the Lakes contest on Friday, February 20. At this competition, their first of the season, the choir received second place out of nine other groups in 2A and fifth place...
WL Jazz Band Uses Their Momentum At UNI
By Olivia Feucht On February 20th the West Lyon Jazz Band traveled to the University of Northern Iowa to compete at the UNI Tall Corn Festival. Director Jade Bolin commented that, “We faced a lot of bands that we normally do not see as it is mostly schools from...
Congratulations to individual district speech competitors
Tristan Taylor | Editor On Saturday, March 1, students from West Lyon Community School competed in the district individual speech competition in Okoboji. Fifteen students competed in 11 different categories, many competing in more than one. And congratulations to the...
National Cheerleading Week
Basketball Left to Right: Ava Vandyke, Kaitlynn Beldin, Maddy Cornell, Bristol Schreurs, Zoe Kellenberger, and Marlene Duenas (Photo Submitted) Football Olivia Metzger,Luca Knoblock,Kendra Vanregenmorter, Jaci Stubbe, Zoe Kellenberger, and Emersyn Rentschler...
Sweet time to read
READ ‘N’ FEED Scott Davelaar reads his book in the gym during a session called read ‘n’ feed at Inwood Christian School during February’s elementary reading month. For this time, the students brought a snack to eat and drink as well as pillows and blankets for...
Presenting a ‘Practically Perfect’ musical
JUST A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR During a rehearsal for River Valley Players’ “Mary Poppins,” Amy Lyon as Mary Poppins, Maggie McCarthy as Jane Banks and Nikolas Hamlin as Michael Banks practice one of their scenes. This show will be presented at the Forster Auditorium at...
Communicating to keep people safe
Brian Hilt—Lyon County Sheriff New county-wide emergency alert system goes live Dominique Kooiker | Editor Communication is a key goal of the new Lyon County Sheriff, Brian Hilt, and his team at the sheriff’s department. This month, a new emergency alert system is...
Attorney General visits Rock Rapids
Tristan Taylor | Editor On Thursday, Feb. 20, Iowa’s Attorney General Brenna Bird visited with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department for a roundtable meeting. She spoke with the sheriff’s office and the county attorney’s office on various issues that state has seen, as...
Attorney General Bird congratulates two Lyon County graduates from Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
DES MOINES — Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird congratulated Deputy Devin Miller and Deputy Mason Langenhorst on their graduation from the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. The graduation ceremonies were attended by family, friends and law enforcement officials from...
Peek into the Past
Lyon County Pork QueenBonnie Serck crowned as Lyon County Pork Queen.