
Proud to be an Iowan

Speaking with the community Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig visited the Lyon County Fair and spoke to the people gathered. He gave his praise to the Lyon County Fair Board for all the hard work they’ve done putting it together and spoke of the importance of...

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Boredom Busters

Underneath the shell RIGHT: Erika Perez, intern with Lyon County Conservation, hosted a Saturday boredom buster and gave a presentation on animal identification. She is pictured holding the shell of a river turtle. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor On...

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Lyon County Board of Supervisors receives audit report

Isaac Yeager | Staff Writer The Lyon County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, July 23 at 8:30 a.m. to reappoint county staff, review quarterly reports, pass a resolution for road closures, review the audit report of fiscal year 2023 and hold a number of closed...

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Apply to become a Master Gardener

ORANGE CITY – Flowers bring delight and vegetables bring sustenance. Even the most experienced gardeners who embrace those basics still learn and relearn with every growing season. One way to accelerate the learning process is through the Iowa Master Gardener program...

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Letter to the Editor

Inwood residents — have you kept up with reading the minutes of the meeting in the West Lyon Herald monthly or watched council meetings on their YouTube channel? What if I told you those meeting minutes are not entirely accurate and withhold information that would be...

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The largest town in Lyon County (for one weekend)

Going for a spin Skyler Matheson takes a turn driving a tractor around the Granite grounds during the annual Threshing Bee. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Straw Bosses The Granite Threshing Bee’s 2024 Straw Bosses, John and Nancy Suhreptz, escorted by Taya Brown. John had...

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As seen on TV

Filming Day Chuds Pub and Grub was visited by “America’s Best Restaurants,” a show focused on locally-owned restaurants throughout the country. Their episode is planned to be ready to air in three months. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Local restaurant filmed for TV show...

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A day in the life of a fair board member

ALL ABOUT THE COUNTY FAIR Lori Rens, pictured front left, is the Lyon County Fair Association Board secretary. She and her husband, Jerry, serve together on the board. Board members prepare for the fair throughout the year, getting things set up around the grounds,...

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Animals around the world

A not-so-scary snake Katy Carchedi, education specialist with the Great Plains Zoo, shows off Hobs the milk snake at the Inwood Public Library. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Editor The Great Plains Zoo’s ZooMobile made a stop at the Inwood Public Library...

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Old-fashioned wheat harvest

Teamwork Threshermen Darrel Hansen (left) and Al Engers (right) work together to harvest wheat on the Threshing Bee grounds. Engers rides the tractor while Hansen controls the combine behind. (Photo/Tristan Taylor). Tristan Taylor | Editor In preparation for the...

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Presenting hard work for 4-H

TAKING PICTURES Quincy Gerloff poses for pictures with Laura Beyenhof, K-12 program coordinator with the Extension Office, at the 4-H static project judging Thursday, July 18, at the Forster Community Center. (Photo/Madalynn Van Der Weerd) Fair static judging takes...

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Avera Merrill Pioneer Hospital to host community blood drive

Avera Merrill Pioneer Hospital in Rock Rapids and Community Blood Bank have come together to host a community blood drive Wednesday, July 31, from 7:30-10:30 a.m. and 12-3 p.m. Donors can schedule their donation by logging onto, select “events” and...

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Larchwood Family Days

Tristan Taylor | Editor The community of Larchwood celebrated its 2024 Family Days this past week, welcoming people to town with four days of fun events.  The festivities began Thursday, July 11, with the Security Savings Bank Customer Appreciation Picnic in the...

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Rising to the top

West Lyon graduate wins national SkillsUSA title National WinnerCole Balster stands atop the podium at the SkillsUSA National Competition. Balster received first in diesel equipment technology. (Photo/Submitted Shane Peterson) Tristan Taylor | Editor The West Lyon...

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‘Major letdown’ for fairgoers

Flood damage done to Lyon County Fairgrounds, Rapid Speedway FLOODING AFTERMATHAfter the flooding earlier in June, the Lyon County Fairgrounds were filled with water and debris. Concrete was displaced, and one building was condemned. Due to the damage, traditional...

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