
Northwest Iowa county sheriffs gather for quarterly meeting

MEETING OF THE COUNTY SHERIFFSOn Tuesday, April 11, 11 northwest Iowa county sheriffs met for a noon meal in Doon. The sheriffs meet quarterly to discuss issues and get to know each other. Pictured left to right are Rob Ver Meer (Lyon County Chief Deputy), Chad...

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A week full of dogs at West Lyon

West Lyon ag department hosts different trainers to learn about dog training IN ACTIONDog trainer Roger Lautt demonstrates the skills of his dog, Missy, during a presentation to the small animal care class at West Lyon Monday, April 10. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan...

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Renovations underway at Lester ballpark

GREAT GAME VIEWSNew seating at the Lester ballfield will include two concrete rows for lawn chairs to be placed in a stadium-seating fashion during ball games this spring and supper. The new seating is part of a renovation at the complex with funds provided through a...

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Baby animals in the library

Emily Ostrander talks with area kids about baby animals SPECIAL STORY TIMEThese young kids wait in anticipation for story time to begin during a presentation at the Larchwood Library Tuesday, April 11. Emily Ostrander with Lyon County Conservation presented on baby...

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State jazz title 2.0

Wildcats claim back-to-back Class 2A championship, a first for first-year director Pictured are members of the 2023 West Lyon Jazz Band. Front row, left to right: Amelia Ageson, Blake Van Roekel, Sam Meester, Brad Balster, Ella Leuthold, Ms. Jade Bolin. Second row,...

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One sure sign spring is finally blooming

Knobloch’s Greenhouse preparing to open April 21 IN FULL BLOOMMyron Knobloch holds one of the hanging basket planters available at Knobloch’s Greenhouse. The baskets are made by the Greenhouse staff out of recycled paper material. (Photo/Tristan Taylor)  Tristan...

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Wildbots to take on California

West Lyon Wildbots team chosen to compete in international competition GEARING UP FOR NEXT LEVEL OF COMPETITIONPictured are members of the West Lyon Wildbots team. Front row, left to right: Arie Rens, Noah Simons, Joshua Nelson. Back row, left to right:  Jason...

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Ag teacher receives grant award

Tristan Taylor | Staff Writer Katherine Newhouse, agriculture teacher and FFA advisor at West Lyon High School, has received the “Grow it, Eat it” award from the Iowa Department of Education, along with a grant. The grant was awarded to school districts throughout the...

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Sheep shearing 101

Caleb Moser demonstrates the process of sheep shearing to a group of ag students at West Lyon on Thursday, March 30. He explained how one sheep can be done in about one minute, with the quickest being 30 seconds.  Tristan Taylor | Staff Writer Class was in session for...

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‘It’s the best community in the world’

VOLUNTEER EFFORTS RECOGNIZEDPresident of the Inwood Kiwanis, Paul Kippley, presents the plaque for Volunteer of the Year to recipients Deb and Sam Kroeger during the Inwood Community Fair Tuesday, March 28. (Photo/Tristan Taylor) Tristan Taylor | Staff Writer The...

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Senior signs agreement for career path

Darren Meyer signs to Van’s Implement TAKING THE NEXT STEPDarren Meyer, pictured in the center, signed an agreement to continue his career at Van’s Implement in Hull after he completes the two-year diesel technology program at Northwest Iowa Community College. Also...

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Businesses are booming in Larchwood

MORE OPTIONS FOR EATS AND TREATS IN LARCHWOOD(Left) My Favorite Baked Goods opened in the former Main Street Bar and Grill in Larchwood last week. (Right) Kellie and Dan Stark stand in the kitchen of their newly opened restaurant, Chuds Pub and Grub, which opened to...

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Bringing together the community in Inwood

Members of Inwood Summer Rec board serve up some hot dogs to members of the community during the Inwood Community Fair March 28. Supper was free of charge, with a free-will donation that would go toward summer rec activities. (Photo/Submitted) Tristan Taylor | Staff...

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Services coordinator recognized for years of service

Celebrating 25 years of service On Tuesday, March 28, Lisa Rockhill was honored with an Iowa State Association of Counties Years of Service Award at the Lyon County Board of Supervisors meeting for her 25 years of service in Lyon County. Rockhill is the county’s...

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Lyon County Board of Supervisors discuss gravel roads

Dominique Kooiker | Staff Writer The Lyon County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, March 28. Several area farmers were present at this meeting, including Rick Moser, Jon Blomgren, Keith Moser, Reed Metzger and Chet Mogler. This group wanted to propose a private and...

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Country Kids 4-H club meeting

Jessa Haahr | Reporter The Country Kids 4-H club met March 23, 2023 in the Inwood Community Center with 31 members present. Club members voted on the design for the club sign in the show arena at the fairgrounds and for the booth in the 4-H Exhibit Building. ...

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West Lyon Wildcat jazz finishes in top five

Anne Hoogendoorn and Ella Leuthold with the trophy.  Jessica Jensen | Managing Editor Vocalists who participate in jazz choir are typically interested in growing as musicians and expanding their skills. The style of music performed by a jazz choir is different than...

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Hair potential

Jessica Jensen | Managing Editor As a kid, Valerie Meinerts was easily distracted by all things hair and nails. “Instead of cleaning my room as a kid, I’d be doing my nails or my hair,” she said. “It’s something I’ve loved to do ever since I was a kid.”  Meinerts...

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Fairy tale characters get real at West Lyon

JUNIOR HIGH PRESENTATION OF EVER AFTERPictured are the cast members of the upcoming junior high musical presentation of “The Ever After – A Musical” at West Lyon.  Front row, left to right: Taevyn Koedam, Alexa Knoblock, Ellah Acosta, Michelene Sedam, Hazel Niemeyer,...

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A night of fun and fundraising

SkillsUSA Chapter hosts first banquet event FAMILY FUN AND FUNDRAISINGThis father/daughter duo try to knock down stacked cups for prizes during the West Lyon SkillsUSA chapter banquet fundraiser Thursday, March 23. (Photo/Tristan Taylor)  Tristan Taylor | Staff Writer...

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